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Baloyi, Wanda (South Africa)  
Wanda Baloyi

THE former member of popular all-girl group, Ghetto Luv - has finally churned out a wonderful solo album, “Voices" a project which sets her miles apart from her peers.

Voices is a product of mature workmanship and so different from her previous work that it is hard to imagine that Wanda was ever part of the Ghetto Luv group and project.

What most people do not realise, is that it took a long time for Wanda to be firmly on her own. The result is an album of delicious, refreshing and scintillating music produced by SAMA Award-winning guitarist Jimmy Dludlu. The project was born after Wanda was offered an "enticing and difficult-to-decline" deal from Universal music.

The offer followed Wanda's collaboration with Thembi Seete as part of the soundtrack to the Yizo Yizo 2 tv show. Universal gave her a year to sleep on it. When she was ready, she returned to Universal and to a great surprise: She was to work with one of her favourite musicians and most of all a family friend - Dludlu.

Genre: jazz, fusion

Wanda is the daughter of Cape Town-based singer Jaco Maria. Her father was the lead vocalist of 80's supergroup Ozila, popular for their chart-bursting hit I'm Suffering, and is now frontman of Universal recording artist Loading Zone. Jaco often took the young Wanda along to his shows when he performed with, among others, Jimmy Dludlu at the now defunct Razzmataz club in Johannesburg. Wanda’s working relationship with Dludlu was not only a complete surprise but a dream came true. However, it is the positive synergy which makes Voices such a brilliant work. In as much as Dludlu is an accomplished producer, he afforded Wanda an opportunity to make input during the making of the album.

Wanda says she knew from the outset that Dludlu would do justice to the project. Besides, adds Wanda, she was looking for a change.

Indeed the 10 track album has brought out that change, as she herself puts it: “It was like re-uniting with myself" The album is the real thing, and it feels just right. The title track Voices/From Across The Fence is a song close to her heart. It's a song which concerns all of us, and particularly immigrants from within the African continent. With both parents originally from Mozambique, Wanda was born and raised in South Africa, and has experienced some of the difficulties facing immigrants.

Wanda Baloyi
It is for these and many other reasons that Wanda recorded this song; it expresses her inner feelings about xenophobia and other problems facing foreigners in South Africa. In similar vein to Voices/ Across The Fence is the track Africa Unite. In the song she features maskandi great Ihashi Elimhlope, who in the past has done numerous collaborations with diverse musicians, including her friends from Zaire.(Patrick and Baggo)

Then there's the exquisite number Gentle Rain, a track with an ability to wow audiences. Another tune with potential to seduce listeners is the remake of Miriam Makeba's classic Iyaguduza. For Wanda this tune is more than a tribute to Makeba "because she is a perfect role model. She is everything I would like to be".

Black Stone is a collaboration with Eddie (Eddie Vulani), a poet who is currently studying towards a BA in Dramatic Arts at Wits University. The track also features the young hip hop dj Tumz on turntables.

On all tracks, Wanda sings with an unparallelled emotion and honesty. Overall, the album is great, the lyrics are intelligent and have a strong message of unity and togetherness. No matter where you are, the message and the good rhythm will knock you off your feet. The music is deep and hits right at the core of your soul.

[text adapted from the "Voices" album PR issued by Universal Music]

Contact Details:

Making Music Artist Agency
tel : +27 21 422 0118
fax: +27 21 423 4946
  Recordings : Baloyi, Wanda
So Amazing

So Amazing


click here for more about these and other recordings by : Baloyi, Wanda

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